Thanks to Gilbert. Your comment was the best part of my week.
The graduation party for Joette was nice. She had a nice get together here with family and friends.
But it has been a tough week. I feel like the cancer is back. I don't go to see Joni for another couple of weeks, but this week has been tough. I have cried a lot. I feel very much alone and I am not sure why. If I have to go through another round of chemo, I think it will kill me.
April changed her minutes on her phone to save money...and it seems the whole family is on the same family plan, except us. Dad won't let me change services as we get ours for free, which I totally understand. But still, I really miss talking to April and Kenzie.
The Lord always hears and answers prayers. Jaynee brought her kids over for lunch yesterday, and even talked to me later on the phone. I love you, Jaynee!!!! And I know when I do service for someone it lifts my spirits, so I have tried to help others all week.
But still, cancer stinks....and hurts! I think that is what I get so tired of.. the pain. Different each day.
Well, it is a lovely day. We have hay cut in the field and as I sit here typing, I can smell it and I love the smell.It is a pretty day, so I need to force myself to do something productive. I think sometime next week we are going camping. I want to get a fishing license and go fishing!!
Talk to you all next week. Hope life finds you well and happy.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Posted by EDK at 9:49 AM 3 comments
Posted by EDK at 9:36 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
All of us are being affected by the gas price. Senator Peterson from PA was on the Glenn Beck radio program today urging all of us to send a letter to our Senators and Representatives pleading with them to release the moratorium on off shore drilling in this country. According to Senator Peterson, we are the only country that is not a third world country that does not allow off shore drilling. Go to Glennbeck .com and read the article and if you feel as strongly about this as I do, contact your Senators and Representative by tomorrow and let them know that you want the moratorium lifted. Senator Peterson tried to pass a bill last week but it failed to go through because the Democrat majority voted against it. President Bush is going to address the congress tomorrow and hopefully convince the Senators and Representatives throughout Congress to reconsider the devastation that having our oil locked up will be to for this country. Read the article, and if you want to help, send a letter or email to your representatives urging them remove the moratorium to off shore drilling.
Please forward this to those who might be a little worried about the future of this country. They can find their Senators and Representatives address by going on line and looking them up. For those of you who live in
1708 Longworth
(202) 225-2006
Cantwell, Maria- (D - WA)Class I 511 DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-3441 Web Form:
Murray, Patty- (D - WA)Class III 173 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-2621 Web Form:
Posted by EDK at 10:29 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
It is So Beautiful Outside today!!!
The weather has finally gotten beautiful. I have been outside every chance I get. My yard is looking so much nicer than it ever has. I love my pond and flowers. Joette graduated Saturday morning. You'll have to go to her blog and read about her memorable experience...I laughed so hard on the way home when she told me about her cap and gown. We had a little get together for her Saturday night. Not a huge crowd...just a few of her close friends and the family. It was a lot of fun. I am so proud of her. She will probably go on to get her Masters Degree. I just wish it was not so expensive for her to continue.
It seems like everything is getting so costly especially since this gas crisis. I have learned to just take a deep breath and pray with a sincere heart. When I do this several times a day it removes the worry, as I feel God's love and trust He will take care of my family. He will take care of the future as He has the past...(from the song "Be still, My Soul")
I feel pretty good. I overdo it most days and need to take it easier, but it is so nice to be off of chemo and able to do a few more things. Last night I walked home from a friends house...I walked a good mile and up a steep hill!!! I feel pretty good about that. I used to walk 3 miles every day, and at one time 5, but since cancer and my back injury I have a terrible time moving the ol' bootee.
Oh, and hello Lindi!!! It was so good to hear from you and to know that you are doing well.
I think it is so cool when I hear from some of the kids I taught in seminary because of this blog!
Posted by EDK at 8:04 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 09, 2008
Families are Forever, Aren't you glad?????
Thank you Keithy Weithy for fixing my computer. What would this family do without your expertise. Thanks to Bry Bry for helping me with my little girl. She sits at the edge of the pond so sweetly! Thanks, Jo Jo, Kakers, and Lore for helping make my thrown together dinner last night taste wonderful with your great additions, and the fact that you were here and brought your kids. Sorry kids that we didn't get to play "kick the can".
Have you ever eaten Naan bread? Oh my is wonderful and you can flavor it anyway you choose to. Thanks Jo Jo.
Thanks to Apey Snapey for always calling me. I love to talk to you and the girls. Well I need to get busy, I guess. Have a great day!!!
Posted by EDK at 11:20 AM 3 comments
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Thursday night we went to Joette's advanced certificate graduation for institute. She acompanied the choir and we had a nice dinner, I met Bro. Adams and we talked about seminary and institute. I told him I didn't think I could do seminary as it would be every day, but he asked me what I thought about institute once a week. I just got chills!!! I think it would be the reason I am still work with the young, single adults on a weekly basis. I have gotten to teach them a few times on a substitute basis,and I really love that age. There is very little discipline because the youth really want to be there. Anyway, he said he would let me know in a week or so, so here's hoping!!!!!!
Posted by EDK at 12:39 PM 4 comments
Monday, June 02, 2008
Robert D. Hales
Sunday, Robert D. Hales was the Apostle that came to visit our Stake Conference and speak to us. He gave so much advise on living a joyful life and being blessed as we keep the commandments. He also talked about light and how as members living righteously, we carry that light with us wherever we go. Elder Merrill from the 70's came with him, and both meetings were so beautiful. I had a sweet exchange with Elder Hales on Saturday night. I found myself, upon leaving for home with him being right in front of me and nobody shaking his hand, so for a split moment, I thanked him for his beautiful thoughts and then told him I was just pronounced cancer free after almost 5 years of cancer and that I had been in stage 4 cancer. He asked me what kind and I told him. He looked at me and with the most genuine look of love told me to look for him in three years and tell him that I was still alive. Now, it was not a blessing, par say, but more like a promise that If I would look to serve where God wants me to I would least for three more years. I really felt the spirit go right through me as he talked and counseled with me for those brief moments.
I keep asking the Lord what he would have me do each day of my life. Today I was sick all day. More or less exhausted and worried that my cancer is coming back. I cried a little, and prayed for some blessings I have been seeking in my life. I just hope I figure out my mission soon.
The yard is looking better all the time, and I hope I continue to have the strength to keep it up this year. I keep hoping Joette will choose to have her reception here. She is going to have her graduation party here. If it is a nice day, we will BBQ and enjoy the outdoors. God Bless You all!!!
Posted by EDK at 9:43 PM 3 comments