Tuesday, June 17, 2008


All of us are being affected by the gas price. Senator Peterson from PA was on the Glenn Beck radio program today urging all of us to send a letter to our Senators and Representatives pleading with them to release the moratorium on off shore drilling in this country. According to Senator Peterson, we are the only country that is not a third world country that does not allow off shore drilling. Go to Glennbeck .com and read the article and if you feel as strongly about this as I do, contact your Senators and Representative by tomorrow and let them know that you want the moratorium lifted. Senator Peterson tried to pass a bill last week but it failed to go through because the Democrat majority voted against it. President Bush is going to address the congress tomorrow and hopefully convince the Senators and Representatives throughout Congress to reconsider the devastation that having our oil locked up will be to for this country. Read the article, and if you want to help, send a letter or email to your representatives urging them remove the moratorium to off shore drilling.

Please forward this to those who might be a little worried about the future of this country. They can find their Senators and Representatives address by going on line and looking them up. For those of you who live in Washington State, I have done the work for you…all you have to do is email or phone to those listed below.

The Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers
1708 Longworth
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-2006

Cantwell, Maria- (D - WA)Class I 511 DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-3441 Web Form: cantwell.senate.gov/contact/index.html

Murray, Patty- (D - WA)Class III 173 RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-2621 Web Form: murray.senate.gov/email/index.cfm


April said...

oh mom- I swear I don't know what the democrats are thinking sometimes- it's like they want us to be miserable- or they care more for a bird or a pretty beach than the livelyhood of humans...we need oil!

I seriously get sick when I shop for food. I can't afford things anymore- we have to do something about the oil prices or the poorer will get poorer and the richer will get richer- and we will no longer have a strong middle class- but be similar to third world countries- I just don't get people's reasonings. I love the earth...I know we should treat it with respect- but we have to remember that Heavenly Father loves us more! Drill away on the shores! I can't afford to drive anywhere-

Heather said...

April--if worse comes to worse we could all be poor, sitting on a pretty beach bird watching!!!! LOL just kidding, I am sending my letter!!!!