Saturday, June 07, 2008


Thursday night we went to Joette's advanced certificate graduation for institute. She acompanied the choir and we had a nice dinner, I met Bro. Adams and we talked about seminary and institute. I told him I didn't think I could do seminary as it would be every day, but he asked me what I thought about institute once a week. I just got chills!!! I think it would be the reason I am still work with the young, single adults on a weekly basis. I have gotten to teach them a few times on a substitute basis,and I really love that age. There is very little discipline because the youth really want to be there. Anyway, he said he would let me know in a week or so, so here's hoping!!!!!!


Calie said...

That would be so good. I hope it happens. You are a great teacher. It is one of your gifts. You go girl!

Heather said...

What about old married farts, could they come too????? Please????

The Wright Stuff said...

Oh my gosh! I want to come to your class too! Maybe that's the reason why I'm STILL alive! :)

Heather said...

So Save Jaynee and Me upfront seats