It is very early Sunday morning...found myself unable to sleep...but I can always snooze later. Yesterday was such a better day...starting with conference...which was so amazing and touched my heart so deeply. I also felt well enough to leave the clinic and go out to play Easter Bunny for my grandkids. And the blessings keep coming in. My friend, Sherry, who has been my right hand and left foot all week, holding my head and getting me every little thing I have needed, was in the hall way and had a conversation with a woman who was headed home, cancer free, for two years running after coming here with breast cancer that had spread to in lungs and bones.
While I was a t Wal-Mart yesterday, hobbling around in my walker (and then driving a scooter), a very kind woman stopped and asked me is I had had surgery. I explained my cancer briefly to her and she told me that she had had pancreatic cancer and had been cancer free for two years. These things give me hope. I know my Father in Heaven is with me continually. I am looking forward to more of conference today. Thanks, Stan, for the lap-top!!!
What I am so impressed with this place is that when I got sick from treatment, they did everythong possible to make me feel better and get to the root of it. I have been on an IV pump for three days now getting my body fluids and vitamins back into correct funtion. They have literally thought of everything is an amazing place.

Sunday, April 01, 2007
Sunday Morning
Posted by EDK at 2:50 AM
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I am so glad that you are able to watch(or just listen?) to General Conference. There were some amazing talks yesterday! And this morning's session! Isn't it marvelous how Heavenly Father can tell us things in such a personal way, through a talk given to millions of people?!
It is good to know you've had a bit of a respite from feeling so dreadfully ill. And found people who have been placed in your way to give you strength and hope.
Life really IS good.
I love you.
Dear EDK,
General Conference is such a heart-touching time! Once again I feel so strongly of the love that our Savior and our Heavenly Father has for EACH of us. I thought of you often as I listened to our living prophet and apostles --- especially Saturday morning. Not only did I receive personal advice from the words spoken, for my own circumstances; but I could also feel the comforting advice being given to you. I missed you! This is the first time in several years that we have not listened to Saturday's sessions together. Although I am enjoying being in Utah with family, I have missed that special time being with you. May you be able to return soon.
I bear testimony to all that we have a Savior, Jesus Christ, who lives! I KNOW that He is very aware of each of us individually --- our needs, wants and concerns. How grateful I am for His clear view of us, knowing not only what we want but what would be best for us.
I love you EDK, and appreciate the impact you have made in my life. May you continue to receive strength, and be a strength, to others. Lots of love, Peri
We are so sorry that you are experiencing such a tough time with the chemo and radiation but we believe that Heavenly Father has sent you angels known as strangers and friends to boost you up. You are such a great example to all of us here at home. You are on the temple prayer rolls throughout the country and in our prayers several times a day. Miracles do happen and we keep praying that a true miracle will happen to you in the near future. Meanwhile, you really are an inspiration to so many! We are glad that you were able to watch conference and feel the Spirit of the talks. They were amazing. We talk of Christ, we preach of Christ, and we believe in Christ. He is the healer of all and we pray that through Him your healing comes soon. We miss you!
With much love,
Linda, Bill, and Khrysten
My thoughts are with you and so are a multitude of prayers!!!
I hadn't heard that you were going to Tulsa. Expect a miracle!
There are SO many people keeping you in their prayers, so many people who have been positively impacted by you in one way or another. I have always admired you as a wife, mother and child of God, thank you for your example. You probably have not realized the extent of the positive, Godly influence you have had on the lives of those who have crossed your path. God has blessed you with a wonderful family and you have not let him have deserved the loving family you helped God build.
Bless your heart and may God's will be done in your life.
I'll stay in touch to find out when you are expected home.
Dorene Kirking (Tomblin) Russell
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