Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I am thinking about the ripples of my life everything you do and think and feel has an affect on you and all those around you. In the innocence of this beautiful child are ripples that reach to eternity. They start with just a touch and spread out, making circles of love that go on forever.Can you feel it? I am so grateful that life goes on forever and that images such as these and the ones that follow will forver be in my heart and mind. Thank you Heavenly Father. I love you.


Marie said...

Isn't that great - the effects we have and how we are affected by reminds me of the stewardship we have to each other as travelers in this journey...
By the way, I've been wanting to watch Martian Child and you had recommended it in one of your posts - I finally saw it yesterday and I loved it so much I had to watch it again today after church! On the basic level it's a heartwarming show - but there are layers like the parables scriptures - of feeling and understanding in that show.

Marie said...

PS. My mind was ahead of my fingers..."like the parables IN THE scriptures" .

Calie said...

What beautiful pictures. They are so sweet. Thank you for sharing them with us. I love you and have missed you.