This has been a full week. It was hard to hear of President Gordon B. Hinckley's passing, but wonderful to know he is back home with those that love him best. His funeral was so touching, and I was reflecting on my life and comparing it to this giant of a man's life and felt like I have accomplished nothing. But a dear friend of mine pointed out to me that I did not have his mantle. That my mantle has been to raise 4 beautiful children in the church...all with testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I thought about that some more, and how I haven't had the best of health or the strength I would have desired to have in my lifetime. I am not complaining, though. For all the struggles I have gone through, great lessons have followed and much love from Heavenly Father and dear friends.
The one thing I am learning in all of this is to trust the Priesthood. I know there are those of you out there who think sometimes we over due the priesthood and abuse it by asking for too many blessings. I wonder what they pioneers did when they did not have pain medicine or Doctors they could call?
I will admit, it is hard to bother the brethren when I am in pain or so discouraged I just don't think I can make it another day, but in every blessing I have had I have been told by Heavenly Father that He is glad I asked for this blessing, and that he desires to give me the help I so desperately need at the time. I have so often regained badly needed strength and courage to go on....and peace' beautiful, peaceful sleep.
I must tell those of you who have brought in meals and taken us to dinner, or brought in dinners this past week or so just how thankful I am for you and all the other millions of things you have done. Most of all, thank you for your visits! It is so good to see those I love come so often. I always love your company!!! I only have a few days left of Chemo and then Joni is going to take me off of it so that We can have an enjoyable trip. I wish you could all come!!!
I have learned again this week that if I pray and ask for help to accomplish all the things I want to do, that Heavenly Father really does help the most important things get done. I love Him and the Savior so much. They truly are my best friends, and want so much to be there for us if we will but ask. Have a great week!!!

Monday, February 04, 2008
Posted by EDK at 12:35 AM
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Good Morning!
I see you were "burning the midnight oil". Love the family picture. And President Hinkley's funeral was beautiful, very touching.
I'm glad to know that so many meals are being taken care of. I'm heading to Sister Sherwood's house to help them out a little and will be taking a beautiful loaf of bread - even though I forgot to put the salt in!!!! Maybe you are lucky I'm not closer!
Between your priesthood blessings and all the prayers going up for you to be able to enjoy your trip, it will be wonderful to hear of all the fun you were able to have. Only 15 days left? Eat you wheaties!
Love you, Sherry
Mom- your mantle was to teach me how to trust and believe- you passed on a strong link- our faith is renewed through your testimony-
thank you for calling on the priesthood all the are so wonderful- so strong
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