Not sure what is wrong with me. I have cried so much this week. I keep telling myself it is the new bone medicine that was injected with my chemo last week. I know that my jaw is very sore (okay, you wise is not from talking too much!) In fact, that is part of the problem. I am not talking to hardly anyone. When I first got cancer back, people would call, but now, and I am sure of this, they just do not know what to say to me. I try really hard not to wine about my disease...and just be my normal self...whatever that is....but still, I don't see many people or talk to many anymore. It is like I am dead already. I used to get asked to do things or go places...but not now. I am partly to blame, but honestly, people treat those with fatal illnesses different. I know I have in the past. I will change that about myself if I ever get the chance. I will ask them about their families, their work...I'll take them out to lunch. I will just be their friend. I will make sure they are involved in church activities and I will help them feel like they are needed in some way. Maybe I am the one who needs to call others...but it is hard, especially when I might weep at any moment, or when I hear in trepidation in their voices when they find out it is me. Yesterday I finally asked my daughter if she would like to go to a movie. We had such a nice time. It was a tragic love story...a true chick flick, and I felt young and giddy at all the right places, and I didn't think about cancer once. Well...that's enough talking for today...I need to clean my bathroom.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
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1 Comment:
I dont think you could ever talk too much. I love to sit and listen to you. I love to read what you write. I love to see what you paint. I love everything about you and I thank Heavenly Father everyday for the wonderful wonderful blessing it is to have you in my life and my families life.
By the way you recieved a very nice compliment about your painting of the river that hangs in my living room. The lady who commented on your picture is an artist too and she recognized right away your talent. I told her you had not painted water color for very long and she was amazed. She recognized your talent for oil painting too. She said please tell your mom that it is beautiful. She is not from here and she wants to move here and when she saw your picture she said "thats where I want to move" I told her me too!!!
I love you!
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