Meet Isaac. He is my grandson. I took this picture last summer. We were in our favorite swimming hole on the CDA river, and it was such a pretty day. I remember hearing a song once that said, "My heart took a picture that day." That is how i feel about this camping trip. I will never forget how we sat around the campfire and had a family home evening that night, and how Isaac sat and took it all in. I know he felt the spirit. I am so thankful for my family. You are such incredible supports when times are hard. I know that families are eternal, and we will have these and other sacred times forever.

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Posted by EDK at 5:35 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 23, 2007
I need to redeem my son. He and his wife came tonight and they bought me a new juicer. It was so sweet of him!!! He also helped his dad with a project. I got a little sleep today, and I can't believe how much better things look when you are not soooooo tired.
Posted by EDK at 10:51 PM 0 comments
I woke up in the middle of the night again. I keep trying hard not to take a sleeping pill, but this is what happens when I don’t. The pain is such that once I wake up I cannot go back to sleep.
This is hard…so hard. I want to see my daughter married. I want to see April’s house and her new baby born. I want to finish an art project for Bryon and Gary. I want to finish my life history and my “Yellow Roses” book. I want to live. I want to love and serve more. But deep down I know I am running out of time. Every night I go to bed with the hopes of waking up feeling better, and every morning I feel just a little bit worse than the day before.
Posted by EDK at 4:37 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Love and Life
I have decided that dying is not all that bad. People have been so nice. I have had tons of friends who have come to see me and most of them come with something to share, in hopes of saving my life. I have heard from friends and family that I don't normally hear from, I have been showered with gifts, I have had parties thrown in my behalf, and yesterday I was honored at a luncheon wherein a beautiful letter to me from my daughter, April, was read. I think it was the finest tribute ever made to me in letter form. Another friend of mine, with a very critical heart disease who is going through a similar experience suggested we get together and have our own wake!! I think we will do that soon!!
In reality, it is all quite humbling and overwhelming. I am so thankful for those of you who have told me that they loved me before it is too late. You have taught me so very much about charity. How do I ever make it up to you? How can I ever show and tell you how much you have meant to my life and what a beautiful dimension you have all brought to me? You have made my life mean something; made it worth living; have brought laughter and joy and a reason to get out of bed each day. Thank you for being so very kind. I love you!!!!
Posted by EDK at 5:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Lost , and Then was Found
My daughter and granddaughter left yesterday. It is always hard for me to see them leave...especially since the return of cancer. Earlier this week I saw the CT scan of my lungs...(not a very pretty picture). So, needless to say, I was really bummed last night. I finally turned early this morning to the only real source of peace I know. Why does it take me so long to pour our my soul to Heavenly Father? In my defense I can only say I have felt somewhat forsaken as of late, and then worried I am troubling Him with trite requests, with nothing to offer Him in return. And yet, when I went to Him in prayer this morning, I quietly asked for three simple things, and one by one, just like clock work, they were answered for me today. On days like today, I am so surprised and humbled; being made so very aware that Heavenly Father knows everything about me and truly desires to bless me and take the unbearable and make it bearable; to take my burdens and make them light; to hold me in His arms and let me cry, and then wipe my tears of distress away. I believe after I spend some time in thanksgiving tonight, hope will look much brighter tomorrow.
Posted by EDK at 6:36 PM 2 comments