I recently called for a blessing by the priesthood to thwart off an infection. It brought me much needed comfort and strength so that I could teach the sisters today. I was told I would have a healing, but to what end was only known to God. As I prepared for today's lesson, I came across this quote by Richard G. Scott:
"Even if you exercise your strongest faith, God will not always reward you immediately according to your desires. Rather, God will respond with what in His eternal plan is best for you. He loves you to a depth and completeness you cannot conceive of in your mortal state. Indeed, were you to know His entire plan, you would never ask for that which is contrary to it even though your feelings tempt you to do so. Sincere faith gives understanding and strength to accept the will of Heavenly Father when it differs from our own ability to comprehend fully his plan as it unfolds a piece at a time."
I do not know what God has in store for me, but I do know that whatever it is, it will be the right thing at the right time. I have seen His hand in my life so many times before...difficult times...but each difficulty has turned around in the end to bless me and the ones I love in the best possible ways. I will trust God's plan for my life.

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Posted by EDK at 6:10 PM
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Mom you have taught me so much about faith. I was thinking the other day that if a mountain was to be moved by faith- it would be your faith that would do it. But one thing I have learned from this whole experience is that faith in Jesus Christ is how miracles happen. The miracle of healing and yes even maybe the miracle of death and going home. No matter what, faith in Christ will give us strength to make it through anything- inner peace from the atonement allows us to be humble and trusting regardless of the trial or blessing.
Live that thou mayest desire to live again.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche
Aaahhh...Live that thou maysest desire to live again, because we all will.
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