Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Posted by EDK at 9:11 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Prayer works!!!
Thanks for the prayers. This has been the best week since I started treatment again. I was able to go camping for a few days. A dear friend came with me and we watched as the amish people put up a log cabin. We also picked a few huckleberries. I feel stronger and not so dizzy and light headed. I think I will be able to make it to April's blessed event. Tomorrrow i go in for my last treatment in this series...then I am off chemo for a few weeks. When I get home from April's I guess I will take all the tests over to see how I am really doing. Right now, it is just good to feel half way human...so not sure I want to know what is ahead.I love all of your comments and continued prayers in my behalf...you are all wonderful! Thanks again!
Posted by EDK at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Your Prayers
I do try to stay positive, but today has been a terribly hard day for me. I had Chemo on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday were not too bad, as the steroids they give during Chemo help me feel better...but by Friday afternoon, I was wiped out again. I don't know how to explain how I feel...sort of dizzy, nauseated like I am pregnant all the time and about to throw up and sort of in a tunnel. It was so bad today that I only made it through Sacrament meeting and had to go home without teaching my laurel class...and that was soooo hard to miss...I cried all the way home.
My cancer Doc is not very positive, so before Chemo and during my weekly checkup last week, she said these symptoms were probably the brain cancer coming back and spreading. I think I have a sinus infection, and that is causing some of the symptoms. She put me on an antibiotic to see if I am correct. She wants to do all the testing again as soon as I am done with this round of chemo....the last one scheduled to take place on the 25th. But April's baby is due on the 10th of August, and I want to go to Utah and be with her for a week or so.
Right now I am not sure I am going to get to see her. If I feel like I have all day today, I will not be able to go. Could all of you do me a favor?? Could you please pray that I will feel well enough to go to April's and be there for the baby's birth? I know your prayers have sustained me before, and I am really having a hard time just now, so I would appreciate them very much. Thank you.
Posted by EDK at 8:51 PM 6 comments
Sunday, July 08, 2007
I am thankful for revelation
This picture was taken a few weeks ago when I had all my grand kids together. I am finding it much harder to post on my blog now that the weather is so nice...my computer room is hot, stuffy and just not appealing when it is beautiful outside!!
It was a good week...my off week for chemo. I actually thought I would feel better than I did...been really dizzy and just feel weird inside, but the last couple of days have been better. I had a blessing today after church, and they always give me encouragement and strength to keep going. It was a beautiful blessing, and i felt God's love so much!!!
On Thursday I start round 4 of Chemo. After three weeks I need to do the testing to see where I am and to see if the chemo did any good. I have decided to wait to do the testing until after April's baby is born. That way, regardless of the outcome, I can just enjoy this new little angel that is being sent our way.
The ward camp out was this week, and it was fun! I enjoyed it so much, even being dizzy!!! We also had a BBQ with some friends at the lake on the 4th. I think next week we will try camping again and perhaps I will feel like painting a little...hope so. Thanks for all of the cards, emails and letters you have sent to me...it seems so difficult to answer everyone...so I do hope you read this and know I am thinking of you and that I am so thankful for each and every one of your prayers and thoughts in my behalf. I have had so many kind deeds, dinners, visits, phone calls and notes given to me, that I am truly humbled by your love.
Today in church I taught the young woman about the gift of the Holy Ghost, and how it is the greatest gift we have on this earth because the Holy Ghost will help us to achieve Eternal Life, which is the greatest gift we can ever receive. I am so thankful for the gift of the Holy Ghost. I know that through the revelations I have received, those pure moments of knowledge from God, that I have been blessed beyond measure. In fact, everything I have and have been blessed with I have because of the Savior's love and this wonderful gift He promised to all those who seek Him.
Life is a blessing...thanks for your continued prayers.
Posted by EDK at 9:20 PM 2 comments