I went to a funeral today for a dear friend. She was 42 years old and died of breast cancer. She left 2 children under 14 years old. It was a hard day.

Thursday, December 28, 2006
The True Spirit of Christmas
I painted a picture for my Christmas Cards this year. On Christmas morning I decided that any member of the family who was interested in having the original painting could put their name in a drawing and I would draw out the name and they would win it. I announced that the drawing would be in a few minutes, and was sure that everyone who was interested in getting the painting had put their name in the bowl. I drew my 8 year old granddaughter's name. She was very excited to have been picked as the winner. Just then, my husband came out of the bedroom and asked if we had held the drawing, as he had not put his name in. I did not know what to do...I knew my husband wanted the painting, but Ashlee had already won it. Before I could even think what to say, Ashlee walked up to her grandpa, handed him the painting and with big tears in her eyes said, "Here, grandpa...you can have the painting. I know how much grandma means to you, and it's okay."
Posted by EDK at 3:03 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 11, 2006
I have a granddaughter who everytime I see her gives me something...a letter, a piece of candy, one of her toys, or a story she has written. Recently, I was sewing an outfit for her. It was one of those horrible sewing times, when nothing goes right....the thread kept breaking in the machine, the surger wouldn't go over the elastic...you know, one of those days when you ask why it is you attempt to make anything? That is when Joette came in my sewing room with a letter she had picked up in the mail box addressed to me. It was from this granddaughter. Her letter was bright and happy and full of fun questions. I was stressing over some skirt I was trying to make her, when all she really wanted from me was a letter. Sometimes I make loving someone so difficult. I need to take lessons from an 8 year old.
Posted by EDK at 7:40 AM 2 comments
Monday, December 04, 2006
Yesterday in Fast and testimony meeting, a sister shared that she had a difficult problem that needed to be solved, but after several weeks was unable to resolve it herself. She went to the Lord in prayer and within a very short time all kinds of solutions came her way, and the problem was no longer an issue. When we finally really turn any problem over to God, after doing all we can do, He will make the solution known, or at very least He will help us to endure another day as we patiently wait on Him for the answers. I am so grateful He is this merciful.
Posted by EDK at 4:13 PM 1 comments