Friday, October 27, 2006
Hope is such a powerful force. Two days ago a doctor left me with no hope and a short, bleak future. Today a different Doctor talked to me about prayers and blessings and miracles. I left feeling lighter, happier and ready for the fight ahead. I know I can beat this monster with a miracle from God.
Tonight I believe, but God, please 'help mine unbelief'. Help me see your hand in tomorrow.
Posted by EDK at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
A Child of God
Yesterday, after finding out the extent of the cancer riveting my body, I found myself faced with many decisions…none of which I feel qualified to make on my own. I called those I love best and trust most for advice and support. Most gave me their opinion readily, without hesitation. I listened and learned…I really want to know what everyone thinks I should do. But my final call was to Bryon, my son. The conversation went something like this;
“What do you think I should do, Bryon?” I asked.
“You want my advice, Mom?” He spoke with what appeared to be a surprise.
“Yes. What do you think I should do?” I repeated.
‘Well” he continued, “I am not as smart as Keith and I don’t have a degree like the girls do, but I do know that if you go to Heavenly Father and ask Him, He has promised us that we can have revelation for ourselves. So Mom, I think you should just pray and Heavenly Father will tell you what to do, and then, no matter what you decide, we should all support you in your decision.”
From the mouth of children….
Posted by EDK at 9:27 PM 1 comments